The Scale World Championship is supported by a comitee of patrons. The organizing comitee is delighted and proud to have the official support of the following public characters from Swiss aviation, politics and economy.
Div. Bernhard Müller
Commander Swiss Air Force
Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin
Head of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport
KKdt Aldo C. Schellenberg
Cmdr Operation, Deputy Chief of the Swiss Army
Adrian Amstutz
National Council
Albert Rösti
National Council
Christian Imark
National Council
Christian Wasserfallen
National Council
Claude Nicollier
Dr. Bertrand Piccard
Founder Solarimpulse
Jürg Fleischmann
President and Chairman Board of Directors, CEO Lions Air Group AG
Jürg Stahl
National Council, President Swiss Olympic
KKdt a.D. Christophe Keckeis
ret. Chief Swiss Army
Matthias S. Jauslin
National Council, President Aero-Club of Switzerland
Nadja Pieren
National Council
Thomas Hurter
National Council, President AEROSUISSE
Werner Luginbühl
Council of States
Alex Bristol
CEO skyguide
Christoph Ammann
Government Council Canton Berne
Daniel Weder
ret. CEO Skyguide
Ernst Kohler
Gerhard Fischer
Member of the Parliament Canton of Berne
Markus Gygax, KKdt a.D
ret. Cdr. Swiss Air Force, President Foundation Pro Aero
Oskar J. Schwenk
Chairman of the Board of Directors Pilatus Ltd.
ret. National Council Max Binder
ret. National Council, President Pro Flughafen Zürich
Beat Neuenschwander
Honorary President Aero-Club of Switzerland
Claudio Lasagni
CEO Air Service Basel
KKdt a.D. Hansruedi Fehrlin
ret. Cdr. Swiss Air Force
Martin Bütikofer
CEO Swiss Museum of Transport, Lucerne
Henry Wydler
ret. Curator Swiss Museum of Transport, Lucerne